RefStats 1.1.2-E RefStats is a perl script used to create statistics about URL's on a WWW server and their refering URL's from common or combined format referer_log files. It is a modified version of Benjamin Franz' RefStats 1.1.1.

Hold down the shift key and klick on this link to download the latest version.

refstats [-h] [-v] [-s] [-S] [-t] [-N HTTD-Server-Name] [-m MinRefs] [-u substExprList] [-U substExprList] [-x perlregex] [-X perlregex] [-r perlregex] [-i file] [-o file] [logfile ...] [logfile.gz ...] [logfile.Z ...]

-h Display this message and quit.  
-v Display version  
-i fileList A comma separated list of refstats files, generated with the same version of RefStats in previous runs. 9607/r.html,9608/r.html,9609/r.html
-m number Minimum number of refs from a page to be included in the report (default = 2) 5
-N name HTTPD Server name for report IRB.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
-o file Output file (default = Standard Output) r.html
-r regex Only include refs to pages matching the perl regex ^/~elkner
-s Do NOT strip Parameters of refs from any pages.
-S Do NOT strip Parameters of refs to any pages.
-t Set Type of the Logfile to combined (default = referer)
-U substExprList A @@ separated List of Perl substitute expressions for doing Referer Substitutions/Replacements #^http.//wotan/#http://ivs#@@#^http://irb#http://ivs#
-u substExprList A @@ separated List of Perl substitute expressions for doing Target Substitutions/Replacements #^/java/doc/#/doc/#@@#^/java/stats/#/stats/#
-x regex Exclude refs from any pages matching the perl regex ^[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]:
-X regex Exclude refs to any objects matching the perl regex (.*.gif)|(.*.jpg)|(.*.xbm)|(.*.pl)


Follow this link to see, how we generate statistics for our web server.